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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

  • penname :     penname

  • age :     age

  • pronouns :     pronouns

  • timezone :     timezone

quentin smith

•   name   :   quentin marie smith
•   alias   :   dreamwalker
•   gender   :   he / they
•   orientation   :   transmasc
•   age   :   21
•   sexuality   :   bisexual
•   occupation   :   nurse survivor
•   face claim(s)   :   dbd game model
•   voice claim(s)   :   kyle gallner
•   eyes   :   bright blue
•   hair   :    chocolate brown
•   height   :   5'6 ft
•   weight   :   167 lbs
•   build   :   swimmer athletic with some chub
•   skin   :   pale
•   clothing   :   grundge alt emo late 2000s
•   alignment   :   Chaotic Good
•   likes   :   swimming, the ocean, the color blue and seemingly only blue aside from monotones and browns, late 2000s alt music [nu-metal, rock, emo]
•   dislikes   :   spiders, preschools, nightmares, being called 'kid', being bare chested or exposed, nicknames with certain exceptions
+ POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : loyal [to those he cares about], caring, gentle, empathetic, determined, team player, quick thinker
- NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : quiet, grudge holder, aggressive, anger issues, distant, self sacrificial, obsessive

•   birthplace   :  springwood, ohio
•   current residence   :   the entity's realm
•   family   :   maria smith, alan smith
•   significant other   :   nancy holbrook none
+ MARIA SMITH : Quentin's mother died during childbirth, he never got to meet her and only has ever seen her through photos. He feels guilty for her death every time he sees her in photos. The only things he knows about her at the the courtesy of his father whenever he is in the mood to divulge him. The pendant around his neck belonged to his late mother. Her only belonging he owns. + ALAN SMITH : Quentin has always had a strong relationship with his father but as he got older and discovered more about his past that relationship seemed to dwindle as time went on. Learning that his entire childhood had been a lie had been the first crack in their relationship. Alan didn't believe Quentin the first time when he said Krueger was back and he didn't believe him the second time when Krueger returned after Nancy and he thought they had killed him in the preschool. Thinking his son was having a traumatic episode and off his meds he had tried to commit Quentin to a ward but since Quentin was an adult at the time he declined and moved out. The last contact he had with his Dad was a short call on how he was doing before getting taken by the Entity. Quentin's phone is full of missed calls from his father begging him to come home and saying that he was sorry he didn't believe Quentin, he will this time. He promises.

main verse timeline

Pre Fog - Post Movie;
Need to write… but forced to 9 - 5 shift tl;dr
-nancy's mom dies end of movie
-nancy skips town
-quentin is alone in springwood for a solid 3 years
-during these three years quentin's father thinks him seeing freddy again is just a product of bad ptsd from the murders and wants to put him in a ward
-quentin disagrees but agrees to go to a dream research facility where he is put under and has a run in with freddy who lets him know in a cruel way that nancy is dead.
-quentin starts freaking out in the real world but is stuck asleep, his REM scales are off the charts
-he ends up with a white hair streak like in the OG
-quentin's dad still doesn't believe him and he ends up moving out of the house into his own apartment where his horrid habits just get worse
-abusing his prescription and cutting to stay awake, he starts drinking and smoking
-his entire life now is tunnel visioned on trying to kill freddy.
-he wants krueger dead and he wants to be the one to kill him.
-he trains physically and mentally for their battles and stays awake until his body gives out.
-eventually it all leads up to the fight in his dbd lore and by that time he is exhausted.
-his pure rage and spite is what attracts the entity and he willingly pulls himself into the realm with freddy.
DBD Lore;
When he heard that Nancy's mother had disappeared, Quentin Smith knew instantly that their success had been short-lived. Although their plan had seemed to work flawlessly, Freddy Krueger had beaten death yet again.
But Quentin wasn't about to give up. It may take many attempts, but he vowed that somehow they would find a way to beat Freddy, once and for all. If he didn't, it would only be a matter of time before Freddy would win.Someone like Quentin never attracted attention in a library, no matter how strange the texts he requested. He devoured all the information he could find, on shared dream worlds, lucid dreaming, and the methods to control the dream space. Forcing himself to stay awake, via a steady diet of pills and energy drinks, he searched through dusty volumes, finding myths about the demons that live in dreams, trapping their victims in limbo and feeding off their terror. He worked quickly as he knew that Freddy would soon be coming for him.

It wasn't long before that moment arrived and Freddy began appearing in his dreams. He stayed at the periphery at first, taunting Quentin, seemingly hoping to tire him out. Using all that he had learned, Quentin was able to see flaws in the dream; cracks where escape routes could be formed. He tested this skill carefully, not wanting to show his hand, hoping that it would give him some kind of advantage that he could use to defeat Freddy.Then, one night, he found himself in the familiar environment of Badham Preschool. Freddy had tired of the taunting and had finally decided to gut him. Quentin ran through the school, his quick eyes scanning for something useful in the maze of rooms. He found a can of paint thinner and quickly formulated a plan. Once the trap was set, he waited, acting as the lure to draw Freddy into the right position. And there he was, claws scraping on metal as he closed in for the kill. Quentin allowed himself time to enjoy the surprise on Freddy’s face as the corridor ignited and then he was away, running through the building, heading for the exit that he knew existed. If he harried Freddy, weakening him and then escaping the dream, surely that would defeat him over time? Before his eyes, the cracks in the dream closed and his escape route was blocked. He was in Freddy’s secret room again, and there was nowhere to run.As Freddy closed in, a broad grin spreading across his ruined face, Quentin was consumed with a need to see this man finally obliterated. He wished it had been him, not his father, who threw the gas can that ended Krueger’s life, that it had been him who cut Freddy’s throat. Perhaps that desire would be enough? This was a realm of the mind after all.He let it consume him, concentrating all his thoughts on wishing Freddy gone. His vision was obscured with roiling tendrils of fog and, when it cleared, he was somewhere else. In another dream? If so, it wasn't his; it felt cold and unfamiliar.A flickering drew his attention and he realized he was by a campfire, and he wasn't alone. Other people were trapped here too, and they needed his help.


Can be kinda forgetful and or zone out from time to time since he doesnt have his medication for ADD or BPD in the fog.
His dreamwalker abilities are a bit tuned in this version, able to walk into other's dreams and see little glimpses of future things but can never make sense of them.
Low power ESP that pairs with his dreamwalking.
the ESP also gives him small flashes of visions of the future. he cant control what he sees in them but he can control when they happen if he focuses hard enough. they mostly come whenever he does sleep or if he meditates to look for them specifically. this could be future survivors or killers but never full details. just vague imagery or what they look like.
he can also connect into people's mind and shift through their head if the other is in a calm almost sleep like state or accepting of quentin's trip into their mindscape and he has skin to skin contact. if the other participant is willing or open to it(even if they dont know), quentin will subconsciously form a bond to the other's mind if their brief connection is strong enough. it could either be as noticeable as a string tied to one's finger or a constant reminder of quentin's well being. sending off almost an alarm when he's in grave danger to the one's strongly bound to him when out of trial.
when quentin's well being is ever in serious danger or pain his dreamwalking powers seem to flare up and activate like a self defense mechanism. shooting images through his attacker's head of their most vulnerable moments. he has no control over this.
all of these things are possible because of the fact when quentin was dragged into the realm, krueger was still in his head. unfortunately further binding the two together, letting quentin see through the veil of the dreamworld and the real world while empowering his usually subdued powers in the realm.

Was taken in 2012 the events of the movie taking place in 2008
developed loads of unhealthy habits to stay awake during the years he was alone. Cutting and abuse of his prescription meds were unfortunate frequents.
going to college for nursing with a minor in art.
works lots of odd jobs and bounces around a lot from not being able to keep the jobs thanks to sleeping in and being late.
has the fun ability to fake cry on command. uses it for evil purposes.
Hate, hate, HATES, when people he isnt close with calling his nicknames or shortening his name. Very verbal about this and corrects people all the time.
bad at cooking but surprisingly very good at baking.
knows how to ice skate very well and used to go to the local rink all the time with his friends when it was open to use.
his father made him take piano lessons as a kid so he knows how to play it but much rather play the drums or bass instead.

his dad took him to a dream clinic much like the one in the original film, they recorded off the chart REM numbers and Quentin woke up in a screaming fit earning himself a streak of grey hair that always seems to grow back. he consistently dyes it however so no one would know.
He is hell-bent on trying to destroy Freddy in any possible way no matter what, especially after considering sympathy for him early in his and Nancy’s ventures. Can get self-destructive in his journey to kill Freddy.
Tries to help everyone he can and it reminds him of the times he almost failed to save Nancy, he never wants to fail his friends, and because of this he has been named one of the team medics. Although he is more standoffish from the group than most.
fidgets with his necklace a LOT. He doesn’t go anywhere without it. Drops it in a trial? He is risking everything to go back for it. It’s one of the last things he has that reminds him of Springwood.
Developed an unhealthy mentality with just the thoughts of surviving and destroying Freddy in his mind in the real world. Became shaky due to his constant intake of pills and energy drinks.
He has a hunting background! His father used to take him hunting, fishing, and shooting when he was younger and he still remembers a lot of those skills and can shoot pretty well. On very rare occasions when he needed a serious de-stress he would go to the local shooting range, again those were rare but it helped him keep his sharp eye.
His mother died at birth so he never met her or bonded with her. Has a severe lack of a mother figure in his life and feels guilty for her death. The cross necklace originally was hers.


feng min; quentin's #bff as min would put it. the two open up around each other more than others and have a close bond, both their shells opening up to one another. beware when paired together they seem to be a bit rude. amanda young; one of quentin's closest allies is ironically a killer. bonded with amanda after realizing their similar shared trauma and past mistakes that mark their bodies forever. she is one of the main reasons quentin hangs around the meat plant at first. mark hoffman; despite the advice given to him by the other pigs, quentin sought out hoffman to learn more and brought out the side of the man he keeps hidden from the world. bonding over a shared interest in art and often working on miniatures together. quentin is very fond of mark. tarhos kovács; quentin and the knight have an interesting relationship. tarhos learns about the tales of quentin's battles against a so called demon and deems him a warrior of the mind, respecting the young man and asking for more tales.

lawrence gordon; the last of the three pigs to arrive to the fog, quentin once again took interest in wanting to know more. lawrence at first regarding quentin like a stray cat in the meat plant and then soon seeing him as an unpaid intern once he learns of quentin's medical knowledge. rose marigold; rose is a surprising ray of sunshine in the fog, seeming to shine on everything and everyone including quentin. not scared off by his cold outside and going out of her way to talk to him. he may not show it well but he appreciates her more than she knows. sable ward; quentin's bond with sable was almost immediate. just upon seeing her, he knew they would get along well. as they did, and still continue to. monotone humor bouncing off one another while they silently laugh inside at each other's dry quips. albert wesker; while not a fond relation it is still one to note. quentin struck a deal with wesker after getting caught snooping and unleashing a mental attack in self defense after uroboros was injected in him. wesker took interest in the dreamwalker, cured him, and gave him a deal. let himself be studied in exchange for free things and pills. quentin took it. freddy krueger; if there was a word stronger than hate, times that by ten and that's how quentin feels. he wants that man dead.